Flatfishes are one of the most diverse fishes of the order Pleuronectiformes and are found worldwide and constitute a large proportion of the ground fish catch. The flatfishes are commercially important species of Pakistan having high value and sold locally at higher prices as well as exported in large quantities. The present study aimed to examine the current status of flatfish fishery and their diversity in the coastal waters of Balochistan, Pakistan. These fishes were caught and landed in large quantities at different harbors of Balochistan coast. 3 species in Family Cynoglossidae, 3 species of family Paralichthyidae and 3 species from family Soleidae were recorded. The Cynoglossus arel and S. elongata were the most abundant species and collectively accounts for 82 % abundance in the total flatfish landings. Sur bandar and Pasni are the main fishing grounds for flatfish fishery at Balochistan coast. The highest catch was reported at Sur bandar in 2018 with 2227.99 and 14496.416 in 2019 and the lowest catch reported in Gaddani in 2019 with only 6.55 metric tons. The high demand and increasing catch of these fishes requires a management approach.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Asadullah Ali Muhammad, Sumera Farooq, Wajid Ali