Effects of seasons on condition factor and weight - length relationship in Dussumier's halfbeak, Hyporhamphus dussumieri (Valenciennes, 1847), (Actinopterygii: Beloniformes: Hemiramphidae) from Karachi coast in the Arabian Sea


Hyporhamphus dussumieri, Length weight relationships, Karachi fish harbour, Pakistan.

How to Cite

Yousuf, F. ., Zafar, S. ., Bilgin, S. ., & Ahmed, Q. . (2013). Effects of seasons on condition factor and weight - length relationship in Dussumier’s halfbeak, Hyporhamphus dussumieri (Valenciennes, 1847), (Actinopterygii: Beloniformes: Hemiramphidae) from Karachi coast in the Arabian Sea: Farzana Yousuf, Saima Zafar, Sabri Bilgin and Quratulan Ahmed . Pakistan Journal of Marine Sciences, 22(1), 5–13. Retrieved from https://pakjmsuok.com/index.php/pjms/article/view/33


A total of (n=114) H. dussumieri were collected during monsoon (August and September), post monsoon (October and November) seasons in 2011. Mean total length of females (t test: P = 2.5663E-12) and males (t test: P = 1.4766E-08) between two seasons were significantly different. Similarly, mean total length (t test: P = 9.8887E-20) and Size-frequency distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test: d = 0.82716, P = 3.41312E-15) were significantly different between monsoon and postmonsoon for combined sexes. The slope (b) of WLRs regression lines for monsoon except for male were significantly different from the isometric growth curve slope (b = 3). Therefore, the slope of WLRs regression lines for postmonsoon by combined sex and both female and male were significantly lower than the isometric growth curve slope (b = 3) suggesting negative allomnetric growth in post-monsoon season.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2013 Farzana Yousuf, Saima Zafar, Sabri Bilgin, Quratulan